10 Must-Read Books On Sustainability Before 2021 Ends

You’ve probably tapped on this article because you’re keen on indulging into the depths of ‘Sustainability’, a fast paced term in today’s world that is becoming a growing cynosure day by day. People are choosing to push their limits for the world and the upcoming generations in order to protect their environment and more precisely their plant. While Sustainability might feel like a heavy word, it’s actually made up of small everyday actions and a bit of changes that you can opt for as a contribution to the important parameters that are being incorporated for a healthy way of co-existing.
Sustainability has various meanings if you look closely, but when it comes to environmental and social problems, Sustainability applies to those areas that are directly interlinked to mankind, natural resources, technological developments and upcoming generations. It is considered as an improved way of living but being more aware than ever. Steps like preventing the exploitation of natural resources, protecting other beings and helping save resources come under it. It simply means to meet the current needs of mankind without actually interfering and compromising with the abilities of future generations to do the same.
10 Books on Sustainability
1: Being The Change: Live Well & Spark A Climate Revolution

He began cycling, growing his own food, began meditating, for he feels that these steps not only aid the environment but also our inner self. Formerly an astrophysicist but now but now a climate scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Peter broadly narrates the technical background of climate change, the consequences and the phenomenon attached to it.
2: Braiding Sweetgrass

She lays the foundation of wisdom in the hearts of the readers so that they can learn to coexist with other beings, in a healthier manner because all of us are interconnected yet we forget to cherish and recognise it diligently.
3: Wear No Evil: How To Change The World With Your Wardrobe

Looking good and picking up trendy apparel has obviously become a genuine need for us. We like to carry ourselves in the best way possible. But have you ever wondered “how can I essentially look good while doing my bit for the planet?” Well if yes, then Greta Eagen’s book titled “Wear No Evil: How to Change the World with Your Wardrobe” is the ultimate answer to your query
This book hands you over the keys to enter into the world of sustainable fashion. It provides a deep insight on “Conscious Fashion” that is being adapted by many clothing brands. If you’re someone who wants to go green with your styling without compromising with the style quotient, then you should definitely go through this book. This book helps combine green living and conscious fashion.
Well, this book is definitely going to sort out your problems of going green with fashion. So what about hair care? Ever thought about it? Because the way we look isn’t solely dependent on what we wear. The way our skin and hair looks plays an important part too. And choosing a sustainable brand for your hair just adds glitters to the whole concept.
Just think that by switching your everyday habits and adapting new ones can make you do your bit towards the environment. Confused? Don’t be. Because PURC Organics has got an amazing range of hair care products that are completely natural and cruelty free.
4: Eating Animals

This Universally Compelling book written by Jonathan Safran Foer is a must read for everyone no matter if you’re a vegetarian, a meat-eater or someone who is trying to cut down animal consumption and adopt veganuary: this book is a genuine eye-opener. Eating Animals is undoubtedly a well-written masterpiece on the subject of food.
It is powerful enough to change the way you think and the food you choose. The book is full of heart-wrenching cold facts on how animals farms and their processes are utterly veganuary. It also advocates about Animal Rights and Animal Welfare without either sounding pretentious or vigorous. Since the book is informative rather than being persuasive, the choice of choosing veganuary over your current food habits solely depends on you, after you reach towards the end of the book.
5: Half–Earth: Our Planet’s Fight for Life

In his book titled “Half Earth: Our Planet’s Fight for Life”, author Edward O. Wilson presents some eye-opening narratives and perspectives. He says, in order to avert the mass extinction of various species, including humans, we must take up gentle steps to preserve biodiversity of our planet. Since Wilson feels that the rate at which the planet is moving towards the world of destruction, coming up with erratic solutions will land us up nowhere
So according to his beliefs, the best way to stave off the forthcoming disasters is to devote half the planet solely to nature, for it belongs to it, and hence the title: “Half Earth.” His radical vision, insightful ideas and facts make up this book a complete package of lucid proposals on how we can solve the problem that humanity is currently facing, and which is bound to expand with time.

Since we can’t actually take the decision of devoting half the earth to nature as an individual, we can surely do our bit by planting and building a greener space. Having plants around us not only maintains our health but is also a visual treat. So why not have a smart and green space for ourselves?
Herboponics has totally understood the need of having smart gardens. They have a wide range of plants that are just perfect for personal use. These are specially designed for busy and working people who don’t have much time and space to maintain a garden, but crave for a green space. So people, here’s your ultimate solution.
6: Sustainability Sutra: An Ecological Investigation

The way humanity is treating the planet is gradually inclining it towards the route of destruction. Global warming, air, water and soil pollution, everything that is degrading for the planet is a result of human activities. As a result, the weather is getting extreme, the species are becoming extinct and we are moving towards a more technological and care-free world that will never last, if we don’t stop now. Roy Morrison’s book titled “Sustainability Sutra: An Ecological Investigation” deals with all these topics in a more investigative and informative way.
He elaborates the readers with his views on Sustainability, in the social, ecological and economic sectors that take us towards ecological improvement as a whole. He believes, to improve the overall situation, social justice, peace, ecological economy and democracy are very important with required changes in religious and cultural behaviour.

You too can do your part by switching your everyday habits and giving them a new definition. As we say, change begins with every small step you take towards the betterment, so why not switch your old habits with the new ones?
With Bamboo Hearts, you can go green by cutting down the use of plastic from your life. The products are created with bamboo so that you can do your bit for the environment. The brand has a good collection of kitchenware, toiletries and various other essentials that you can own. With the efforts of indulging into green living, you will not have to compromise with quality and desire. Here are a few products that will give you a rough idea about the same.
7: Sustainability: All That Matters

In his books, “Sustainability: All That Matters”, author Chris Godall explores and explains the need of sustainability while focusing in the spheres of: travel, food, clothing, heating and cooling, electricity, paper and cardboard, consumer electronics, construction and air travel. Chris Godall is amongst the leading global voices when it comes to sustainability and with the help of his books, he aims at reaching out to the maximum number of audience.
His approach on the topic is very balanced and easy to follow. On simple notes, the books are an insight on the shortcomings of mankind and how it can be prevented with a touch of idealism and consciousness.
8: Cradle To Cradle (Patterns Of The Planet)

“Reuse, Reduce and Recycle.” The three Rs were basic skills we were taught in school. But did we actually implement it in our actions once we grew up? Were these ideals just a mere textbook thing like other arithmetic operations which still hang around in our dusty notebooks? Well, no. These skills weren’t just mere topics that we were taught in elementary school. Rather they are important aspects of steps which we are required to take for the benefit of mankind and the planet
In this thought provoking read by Michael Braungart and William McDonough, they talk about revolutionary changes that can be implemented to change the way we make things. The authors throw a spotlight on industrialisation, waste management, zero waste, sustainability and implementation of conceptual ideas in order to lead a better life.
9: The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History

This book by Elizabeth Kolbert is a bitter pill to swallow, for she talks straight to the point. Since life bloomed on this plant, 5 mass extinctions have taken place far, while the 6th is in line. The reason why these lives ended were extreme climatic changes over all these years of life on earth. Humans are solely responsible for why the lives of animals and plants are depleting at such a high rate. Since their bodies aren’t adaptive enough to adjust to these changes in such a short time, they begin facing innumerable threats to their lives.
Elizabeth throws light on the topic of extinction by dividing it into three parts. Part 1 contains information about the species that went extinct thousands of years ago. Part 2 explains the readers about the species that vanished just a few years ago. Part 3 holds information about the species that are likely to disappear in the near future, owing to the current situation.
10: The Human Age: The World Shaped By Us

Written by Diane Ackerman, the books make the readers confront the harsh fact that they have conquered almost 75 percent of the land. We now seek to create new synthetic species that we outsmart, without realising the need to protect the endangered ones. Humans have become so obsessed with technology, industrialisation and drastic transformation that fail to recognise where their actions are taking the planet and the lives on it. We as humans often ignore the fact that our lives are directly interlinked with nature and if our actions are degrading the quality of nature and interfering with its existence, we are directly playing with the lives of mankind.
Diane’s book helps the reader realise that technology and intelligence can be used to coexist with nature rather than depleting it. She weaves reality with Science and visualisation to help the readers understand her concepts better.
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